Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Yesterday, my wife, Rebecca, was presented with a question: "Here we are...at the end of George W's reign...the country's economy is in shambles - America's world image is in shambles...what would be YOUR advice?"  I've asked her to write her response below, because I totally concur!  Walt. 

To begin with, I wouldn't blame Bush for the current economic shambles.  It started with Jimmy Carter, or even further back in FDR's failed socialistic policies after the Great Depression.  Ironically, it was the country's coming together in WWII that finally put paid to that era.  Under Reagan, we had some good entrepreneurial growth; the rich got richer, but the poor didn't get poorer.  To quote him, it was "morning in America."  Under Clinton, banks were forced to make bad loans, and Barney Franks and his ilk flourished.  Then Bush Two's  17 attempts to get more regulation were rejected by a democratic congress, and the foxes watching the henhouse, the SEC regulators who wanted the cushy multi-million dollar post-government advisory jobs awaiting them in the areas they were "regulating," failed miserably in the job they were assigned to do.  I do give Obama credit for attempting to put a time lapse between government regulatory jobs and private sector employment in the same field.  

You really want my advice?  I'd adopt Ron Paul's agenda.  More isolationism; pull back from the billions in foreign aid we can't afford; limit federal government spending to essential programs and promises only, i.e. national security, social security, medicare/medicaid.  Leave MUCH more decision making to individual states.  Curtail military operations except where our national security is compromised, but build up defensive capability, so that nobody can EVER detonate a nuclear bomb two miles over America's heartland where the electro-magnetic pulse would wipe out all communications, thus plunging this country into worse than 19th century conditions and total chaos.  This could happen SO easily; we have no "star wars" defense against rockets coming in; (WHY didn't we listen to Reagan!) and the rogue nations are building their rocket capability very fast.  They already have the nukes.

Economically, I'd make sure this country did NOT go down the road to socialism but remained a capitalistic country not dependent on foreign imports or oil.  I'd stop the bleed out of the country looking for cheap labor.  I'd develop the vast Bakken oil reserves in the Dakotas, supposedly greater than the Saudis';  AND I'd make electric cars the most affordable vehicle of the future.  I'd research a way to permanently neutralize nuclear waste material so that nuclear power would FINALLY really be "clean energy." 

In short, I'd work to make this country again the shining beacon that everybody wanted to enter, not just those fleeing poverty, suppression, and tyranny, but those seeking real opportunity and a place to bloom.  Starry-eyed idealism?  Probably.  But it happened before, and it can and should happen again.   
Rebecca Wagner

1 comment:

pugsmom said...

I like the way this sounds. The way things are not, it's like a giant snowball rolling downhill with no way to stop it.
Sandy Richey